The Big Break: Intro Pt 2

In my first post I gave the overview and what and why I was doing, and completely forget to mention the how, so I will do that now. In taking a break from work, I have three main objectives.

  1. Recharge. For those reading who don’t know me (hi! hello! welcome!) I have been working in student-facing counseling roles for the last 6 years. Even pre-pandemic the kids are not alright, as they say. My roles have been high pressure, high stress and have required 110% of my energy. That’s not entirely true. The systems have required far less than that but I chose education as a career path because I wanted to make an impact, I have not been able to do this work at any other pace than 110%. In my experience (and the experience of so many educators that I know) in order to survive in the system you have two choices: become apathetic or burn out. (If someone out there has figured out a third option please let me know). Add in the global trauma this generation has endured over the last 3 years, it’s safe to say that the youth, and myself, are properly burnt out.

  2. The second reason, and if I’m being honest is the main one, is that in being so focused on my career goals for most of my 20’s I have completely ignored, or even lost sight of, the other parts of me that make me who I am. I have been so focused on ‘the right path’ for my career that I have spent little to no time nurturing or growing the parts of myself that are not directly related to my job and field. I need to find, nurture, grow and love those parts of myself again. This sounds easy, and for some I’m sure it is. If that’s you, I admire you! This is entirely new territory for me and I am going to suck at it at first, but I will keep pushing through.

  3. I guess the third goal is also to figure out what’'s next for me. It’s the first time in my life I haven’t had a plan for my future and honestly, it feels liberating. I have worked so hard for so long to fit my life and choices into the perfect or right box the world has to offer and that approach is no longer serving me. I have realized that’s completely backwards. I am looking forward to embracing every part of who I am, and shaping the world around me to fit instead.

SO the how. I will be taking this break and will use the time to nurture my younger self that is waiting to emerge again. I will work on establishing daily practices that allow me to connect to the parts of myself outside of intellectual/career goals. I will do my best to go as slowly and as present as possible. I want to feel and experience my life to the fullest, I am going to be as immersive as I can be. When the time is right, I will look for the work that makes sense for me next.

Thanks for following along!



The Big Break: Introduction